Colorectal Branch
In recent years, a number of innovative studies have been conducted in the ABCSG in rectal or colon cancer and operable liver metastases. The currently ongoing studies underline the activity in the colorectal area. These studies have so far been managed and implemented by the “Colorectal Task Force” and the “Liver Task Force”.
In order to bundle these activities and to generate additional synergies, it was decided to combine all studies in the colorectal area under the umbrella of the “Colorectal Branch”. All those interested in the topic are cordially invited to participate. The implementation of individual projects will now also be carried out in the area of the “Colorectal Branch” by smaller working groups (“Task Forces”) in analogy to breast carcinoma. Currently, there are several projects and associated task forces that are being planned.
The ABCSG-C08/EXERCISE project “randomized trial of endurance exercise following adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer” has started in November 2018. This study is based on observational data that show indications of a higher healing rate through regular endurance training in patients with colorectal cancer. The results of the pilot study C07 confirmed that the logistics of exercise implementation are possible.
We are already looking forward to the results and will of course keep you informed!
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